The CALIRIS study is being conducted by the research group ‘Environmental and Spatial Epidemiology’ at the Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM) of the University of Bern. The team members include:
Dr. Ben Spycher (Head of research group, epidemiologist/biostatistician): Principal Investigator of the study.
Christophe Folly (PhD student, physicist): Coordination of radiation measurements and exposure modelling.
Dr. Astrid Coste (Post-doctoral fellow, epidemiologist): Expertise in UV radiation, statistical support.
Dr. Christian Kreis (Post-doc fellow, spatial analyst): Geographic Information Systems (GIS) support during the project
Jessica Laine Carmeli (Postdoc, epidemiologist): Coordination of multi-national European study on childhood cancer and background radiation with the RadoNorm project.
You can find more information about us and our research topics in our website.
Former members:
Antonella Mazzei (statistician): Project management, coordination of survey, and statistical analysis.